Lost Cat in Mairangi Bay is reunited

ID: 181626

We found Sid in the vicinity of where he escaped from a boot of a car. Thank you so much for your service. The advice and support of Lost Pet Finders really helped us to be persistent and not give up. I had txts from many people through LPF giving support which I truly am grateful for.
How did I find Sid – Lots of flyers around the area, every morning at dawn and every night at dusk I sat around the area he escaped from and kept calling his name and shaking a packet of his favourite biscuits. Three days later, he came out of hiding – very hungry but happy to go home. We will all sleep well tonight!

You have no idea in cases like this what pets are going to do, but I do believe they stay in the area for a few days to get their bearings. Sid had got into a boot of a vehicle and travelled from Mt Eden to Mairangi Bay so quite a distance and I don’t think he would have made it back home by himself. He would have based himself under a house. Those first few days are important days to be calling.

Keep up the good work – its just nice to know there is a service out there which is very helpful.

Reunited Since 24 Nov 2023
Suburb Mairangi Bay
Name Sid
Type Cat
Gender Male
Age 7 years
Desexed Yes
Breed Bengal
Colour Tortoiseshell
Size Medium
Microchip Yes