Lost Cat in Devonport is reunited

ID: 178919

Throughout the almost 3 weeks Millie has been missing Lost Pet Finders gave me hope and now she has been found THANK YOU.
My neighbour spotted a post on the local Facebook page that Millie had been seen at the local Sea Cadet Training School quite a distance away from where she disappeared. One of the Cadets posted details for which I will be forever grateful. She had apparently been there for 2 weeks I will probably never know how she got there
The emotions I have been through during the past 3 weeks have been huge Was Millie trapped somewhere, had someone taken her, was she still alive My mind racing 24/7 with all these thoughts
Although she was found some distance from where I was physically searching I feel by walking the nearby streets everyday and searching garages, sheds under decks etc I knew I was doing all I could to find her
I did have a couple of false sightings and my hopes were dashed but I wasn't going to give up
My neighbours and local community have been so supportive and together with Facebook Lost Pet Finders SPCA etc I have been reunited with my girl
For everyone out there who has a pet missing PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP HOPE
I am one very lucky cat owner who has her bestie back by my side
May everyone who has a pet missing soon be reunited once again

Reunited Since 05 Oct 2023
Suburb Devonport
Name Millie
Type Cat
Gender Female
Age 4 years
Desexed Yes
Breed Burmese
Colour Lilac
Size Small
Collar No Collar
Microchip Yes