Lost Cat in Heretaunga is reunited

ID: 174635

Your support was positive and gave me a good feeling.
Half a year ago people in the neighborhood were I found Sjauw were convinced that he should be a stray cat. So that’s why I decided to take care for him and finely he became a amazing cat. But after a while he walked back (1 km) where he came from.
Now for the 9th time. He is always very glad to see me, but never comes back by himself.
But now I begin to think that he could have an owner there. I started to investigate that option, but til now nobody can give me an answer. If there is an owner I should let him go, which will break my heart.
I shall send you some money for the support; thank you.
Your site is amazing!

Reunited Since 09 Jun 2023
Suburb Heretaunga
Name Sjauw
Type Cat
Gender Male
Age 2 years
Desexed Yes
Breed Norwegian Forest
Colour Grey, White
Size Medium
Microchip Yes