Tauranga Dog Pound

This is our page dedicated to displaying our service of lost pet detective work available in the Bay of Plenty in New Zealand.

We here at Lost Pet Finders lost our dogs some time ago, and we decided that there was no utility of the internet that existed in a way to service us and facilitate the search for our lost pets that we loved so much.

We tried calling a series of local pounds and then decided upon finding our pets to build the best pet detective service available.

Our unique pet alert system allows for you to designate an area within which you think your lost dog, cat, bird or any other type of pet may be and then post their details.

Aside from being able to post for free on our website about the details such as age name and breed of your lost pet, you can also opt in to allow us to send out an automated message to any potential information bearer in the entire Bay of Plenty and Tauranga area.

We’ll contact the Tauranga dog pound, veterinarians, breeders, walkers and everyone in between with the details of your pet and your contact details so that if anyone has any information they’ll know who to call or where to take the pet.

List your pet with us now and increase your chances of bringing them home by reaching an area with contact that is wider than your lost pet can roam in all directions and quicker than you could on your own.

You are not alone, there are many people willing to help you.

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